Grading system is a flawed, biased PR-gimmick AUGUSTA—Senate Democrats condemned the “A” to “F” school grading system announced by...
AUGUSTA—Senate Democratic lawmakers released the following comments after the state’s education committee rejected key initiatives of Governor...
Senator Millett sponsors bill to reduce childhood obesity AUGUSTA---Senator Rebecca Millett (D-Cape Elizabeth) introduced a measure to...
Weekly Radio Address: Senator Millett School pride. For many of us, regardless of how long ago it may have been since we graduated,...
System emblazons ‘Scarlet Letter’ on public schools AUGUSTA - Democrats on the state’s education committee are deeply concerned over...
By Christopher Cousins Read more here. AUGUSTA, Maine — Two legislative committees have rejected two proposals by Gov. Paul LePage to create a...
The A-to-F system is the latest education initiative launched by a governor critical of public schools. By Noel Gallagher Read more here...
By Noel Gallagher Read more here For Maine's education community, this year's legislative session is shaping up to be mostly about money. The...
New members welcomed to 126th Maine Legislature AUGUSTA—Rebecca Millett of Cape Elizabeth was sworn in to the Maine Senate at the State...