Weekly Radio Address: President Alfond Good Morning. This is Senate President Justin Alfond of Portland. This week, with fireworks...
Weekly Radio Address: Senate Majority Leader Seth Goodall Good Morning, this is Senate Majority Leader Seth Goodall of Richmond. ...
Weekly Radio Address: Senator Hill Good morning. This is State Senator Dawn Hill of York. As the Senate Chair of the state’s...
Weekly Radio Address: Senate President Justin Alfond There’s an old proverb that says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” It means...
Weekly Radio Address: Senator Goodall Last year, more than 4,000 Mainers were turned away from Maine’s community colleges. More...
Weekly Radio Address: Senator Boyle Good morning. This is State Senator Jim Boyle from Gorham. I’d like to talk to you today...
Weekly Radio Address: Senator Millett School pride. For many of us, regardless of how long ago it may have been since we graduated,...
Weekly Radio Address: Senator John Patrick Imagine for an hour’s work you still are not earning enough to buy the laundry detergent you need to...
Weekly Radio Address: Senate President Justin Alfond Good Morning. This is Senate President Justin Alfond of Portland. Earlier this week, Democrats...
Weekly Radio Address: Senator Jackson Another week in Maine, another winter snow storm. We make the best out of any situation. That is the Maine...