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Weekly Radio Address

Radio Address: Valentino says public hearing reveals dire need for action on drug crisis

Radio Address: Valentino says public hearing reveals dire need for action on drug crisis

Posted: January 08, 2016

We know that Maine’s drug addiction crisis requires swift action. That was confirmed again this week when we heard directly from citizens about...

Radio Address: Sen. Hill urges fellow lawmakers to bring goodwill into next session

Radio Address: Sen. Hill urges fellow lawmakers to bring goodwill into next session

Posted: December 25, 2015

The holidays tend to bring out the best in people. No matter who we are or how we celebrate, goodwill and the spirit of the season are everywhere...

Radio Address: Gerzofsky lauds bipartisan plan to fight state's drug abuse epidemic

Posted: December 11, 2015

The United States has been fighting the War on Drugs since Ronald Reagan was president. If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that we...

Radio Address: Alfond says, ‘On Thanksgiving, let’s commit to helping hungry Mainers’

Posted: November 26, 2015

Hi there. This is Justin Alfond, the Democratic Leader in the Maine Senate. Today, like you, I’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving with my family....

Radio Address: Haskell says LePage and lawmakers must take holistic approach to end drug crisis

Radio Address: Haskell says LePage and lawmakers must take holistic approach to end drug crisis

Posted: November 13, 2015

It’s no secret that Maine has a drug addiction problem. Here in Portland this summer, our city experienced a hellish 24-hour period that saw 14...

Radio Address: Johnson says state must address ocean acidification's threat to our fisheries, way of life

Posted: October 30, 2015

Last year, Maine became the first state on the East Coast to tackle the growing threat to our way of life posed by an increasingly acidic ocean....

Radio Address: Miramant says lawmakers must act to preserve public trust

Posted: October 16, 2015

Every elected official is sent to Augusta with your trust that we’ll do the people’s work. When that trust is jeopardized, we must act swiftly...

Radio Address: Dill says aid forlaid-off workers, economic development crucial in wake of mill closures

Radio Address: Dill says aid forlaid-off workers, economic development crucial in wake of mill closures

Posted: October 02, 2015

I live in one of the communities where a mill is closing its doors, possibly for good. I also represent many of the towns called home by the...

Democratic Weekly Address: Breen says voters deserve good government, not scorched-earth politics

Democratic Weekly Address: Breen says voters deserve good government, not scorched-earth politics

Posted: September 21, 2015

For nearly three decades, Land for Maine’s Future has fulfilled its mission of protecting Maine’s natural heritage for future generations....

Democratic Weekly Address: Millett says, 'To continue supporting education, we must do more'

Democratic Weekly Address: Millett says, 'To continue supporting education, we must do more'

Posted: September 04, 2015

Good morning. This is State Senator Rebecca Millett. As a parent of two high school students, a member of the Legislature’s Education Committee...