Building It Together: Paid Family and Medical Leave

Click to Read the Latest Sponsor’s Amendment to LD 1964 (May 24, 2023)
Many Mainers have invested time and energy to create the most collaborative and comprehensive paid family and medical leave policy to come before any state. Sen. Daughtry and Rep. Cloutier have been meeting in-person and via Zoom with more than 300 businesses from all over the state to receive input and share information. It’s time for lawmakers to deliver what Mainers so clearly support, with 93% of Mainers in support of this program.
How Will Paid Family and Medical Leave Work for Maine?
Sometimes Mainers need to put family & health first. But without paid family & medical leave, many fellow Mainers can’t afford to take any time away from work when our families need it most.
Workers and their employers will share the cost of contributions, which will then go into a pool for workers to pull from when they need it. Workers will be able to take off 12 weeks each year for qualified life events.
PFML gives us the time, flexibility and security to manage life’s most disruptive events without jeopardizing our families’ financial stability, employment, or health insurance. These events include:
➡️ The birth, adoption, or fostering of a child.
➡️ Supporting a sick or dying loved one.
➡️ Caring for an older family member.
➡️ Recovery from surgery, an accident, substance use disorder, or other health challenges.
➡️ Prepping for/transitioning back from a family member’s military deployment.
➡️ Managing immediate safety needs if you or a family member are a victim of domestic or sexual violence.
How Does the Sponsor’s Amendment Differ from the Commission Report and Ballot Initiative?