Sanborn introduces bill to create MaineCare rate review process
AUGUSTA — Sen. Heather Sanborn, D-Portland, has introduced a bill to establish a process for reviewing reimbursement rates in the MaineCare system. LD 1052, “An Act To Require Regular and Transparent Review of MaineCare Reimbursement Rates,” received a public hearing before the Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee on Wednesday, April 3.
“We have no rational process for a regular review of MaineCare reimbursement rates to assure that the rates keep up with the cost of providing services and maintain an adequate network of providers for the people who are eligible for this crucial service,” said Sen. Sanborn. “This is truly the concern before us today.”
LD 1052 would require the Department of Health and Human Services to regularly review reimbursement rates for MaineCare. Reports on reimbursement rates would then be submitted to the Legislature and the governor’s office. The bill also would create a committee of stakeholders to offer advice and input in regard to its rate reviews.
LD 1052 faces further action in the committee and votes before the Maine House and Senate.