Sen. Anne Carney welcomes Cape Elizabeth student to the Maine Senate
AUGUSTA — On Tuesday, Jan. 14, Sen. Anne Carney, D-Cape Elizabeth, welcomed Dax Barrett-Nedwell of Cape Elizabeth to the Senate Chamber. Dax, who is a fifth grader at Cape Elizabeth Middle School, served as an Honorary Page in the Senate Chamber.
“I love having young people actively participate in public service,” said Sen. Carney. “Honorary Pages deliver documents and messages to Senators as we debate and vote on legislative measures. It’s an important job that Dax performed confidently amid intense discussion about changes to the Legislature’s Joint Rules. I enjoyed seeing his smile as he navigated the aisles of the Senate, and I hope that he will encourage his friends and classmates to get further involved in our political process.”
On session days, the Senate Secretary’s Office manages the Honorary Page Program in the Maine State Senate. Open to students in third through twelfth grade, Honorary Pages perform various duties such as delivering messages, distributing documents within the Senate Chamber, interacting with State Senators and – most importantly – taking part in real-world, legislative learning experiences.
To sign up to serve as an Honorary Page, contact Alex Ferguson at (207) 287-1540 or
Dax Barrett-Nedwell (center) poses for a photo before the Senate session with his parents, Cassie and Zach Nedwell, and Sen. Anne Carney, D-Cape Elizabeth.
Dax Barrett-Nedwell in action in the Senate chamber delivering a note to Sen. Anne Carney, D-Cape Elizabeth