Sen. Breen introduces bill to provide early treatment for psychosis
AUGUSTA—Sen. Cathy Breen, D-Falmouth, introduced a bill on Wednesday before the Health and Human Services Committee to direct the Department of Health and Human Services to develop a reimbursement mechanism for the early treatment of Mainers who show signs of psychotic disorder.
“People living with psychosis are some of the most vulnerable among us—the most prone to unemployment, homelessness, persistent hunger, being on the receiving end of abuse and violence, and undergoing repeated hospitalizations and incarceration,” said Sen. Breen. “My hope is that chronic, often devastating psychotic mental illnesses will be managed like diabetes, heart disease and cancer – where early warning signs are widely recognized and acted on, preventing the onset of psychosis altogether or vastly improving the outcomes in patients’ lives and resources spent.”
The bill — LD1461, An Act To Support Early Intervention and Treatment of Mental Health Disorders — would employ a coordinated specialty care (CSC) model for dealing with psychosis, a holistic, team-based approach that includes case management, psychotherapy and medication management. Additionally, it would provide peer support, in order to connect patients with others with similar symptoms; supported education and employment, to help patients resume their educational or professionals careers; and family support, to provide resources to patients’ families and train them on how to support their loved one.
Maine’s only CSC team, the Portland Identification and Early Referral (PIER) Program, has reported significant success in early treatment of psychotic disorders. Hospitalization rates have gone from 68% before the program’s implementation to 17% after. LD 1461 seeks to expand this program for the 3% of Mainers who suffer from forms of psychosis. Additionally, the bill directs DHHS to pursue federal funding sources and develop a bundled rate that will be honored by private insurers.
The Committee on Health and Human Services will schedule a work session for LD 1461 in the coming weeks.