Sen. Breen speaks at event to advocate for the end of sex trafficking

Posted: January 14, 2019 | Senator Breen

AUGUSTA — Sen. Cathy Breen, D-Falmouth, spoke at an event hosted by Survivor Speak USA in the State House’s Hall of Flags on Thursday to raise awareness and affect change on the issue of sex trafficking and sexual abuse and exploitation.

“I was deeply moved by the strength and courage of the speakers here today—the victims and advocates who are committed to putting an end to sex trafficking in Maine,” said Sen. Breen. “It is my hope that Survivor Speak and other advocacy groups continue to make their voices heard to bring badly-needed perspective and attention to this issue, and that these brave women consider running for office in order to bring about positive, healthy change.”

Sen. Breen has filed legislation to decriminalize prostitution for those under 18 years of age. Doing so will encourage victims of sex trafficking to come forward and contact the authorities without fear of prosecution. This bill is still in the drafting process.

Survivor Speak is an advocacy group whose stated mission is to “to end sex trafficking and sexual exploitation through centering the experiences, healing, voices, and leadership of survivors.”

Other speakers included Gov. Janet Mills, who stressed that prostitution is never a choice but a result of exploitation and abuse. She pledged to continue the work to end sex trafficking that she started as attorney general.

The event was broadcast via Facebook Live, and Sen. Breen’s remarks can be found here.