Sen. Brenner welcomes young Scarborough track star to the Maine Senate

Posted: March 07, 2024 | Senator Brenner

AUGUSTA – On Wednesday, Sen. Stacy Brenner, D-Scarborough, welcomed Parker Mateja, a student at Wentworth School in Scarborough, to the State House. Parker was accompanied by his father Jeff Mateja and grandfather Phil Mateja. Parker received a legislative sentiment for his achievements in multiple track and cross country meets on the state, regional and national levels.

“Parker is a rising star in the world of track and cross country. Last summer, he claimed the state championship in the 9-10 boys 1500m in outdoor track,” said Sen. Brenner. “In the fall, he participated in the USA Track and Field Maine Cross Country for his age group and was again named state champion. Parker’s hard work and dedication is an inspiration to us all. He is a shining example of the incredible talent and potential that exists in our community. Maine is fortunate to have such talented and dedicated young athletes representing our state, and I can’t wait to see what Parker does next!”

Parker competed in the regional USA Track and Field Junior Olympic Cross Country National Championships in Louisville, KY. He placed 81st out of 363 runners. He plans to continue training and competing in cross country and track.

From left: Phil Mateja, Senate President Troy Jackson, Parker Mateja, Senator Stacy Brenner, and Jeff Mateja

Sen. Brenner and Parker Mateja at the Senate dais
