Sen. Daughtry welcomes First Reader Dale Matheny to the Maine Senate

Posted: February 08, 2024 | Senator Daughtry

AUGUSTA ­­— On Thursday, Sen. Mattie Daughtry, D-Brunswick, welcomed First Reader Dale Matheny of the First Church of Christ (Scientist) in Brunswick to the Senate Chamber. First Reader Matheny gave the Opening Prayer.

“First Reader Matheny is a kind and generous faith leader,” said Sen. Daughtry. “I was very pleased to welcome him, along with his wife Laura, to the Maine Senate, and I am grateful for the Opening Prayer that he shared with all of us. If you would like to give the Opening Prayer on a Senate Session Day, please let me know.”

On session days, faith leaders deliver a brief inspirational message to guide lawmakers through their deliberations for the day. Out of respect for the diversity in the Senate Chamber, the Senate Secretary’s Office asks that these invocations are non-secular and non-political. To sign up to give the Opening Prayer, contact Alex Ferguson at (207) 287-1540 or

Sen. Mattie Daughtry, D-Brunswick, and First Reader Dale Matheny of First Church of Christ (Scientist) in Brunswick
