Sen. Diamond issues statement on Jessica Trefethen murder conviction

Posted: October 19, 2022 | Senator Diamond

AUGUSTA — On Tuesday, a jury found Jessica Trefethen guilty of depraved indifference murder in the death of her son, 3-year-old Maddox Williams of Stockton Springs. Sen. Bill Diamond, D-Windham, who attended some of the trial, issued this statement after learning of the jury’s verdict:

“The information that came to light during the trial was both illuminating and upsetting. The suffering this child endured leading up to his death is beyond what anybody, much less a small child, should have to go through. I’m grateful to the jury for their service; having attended much of the trial myself, I know that the past couple of weeks have been incredibly difficult for them.

“As has been the case during previous trials of those responsible for child deaths, this trial revealed key information about how Maddox was let down by the system. Knowing what we know now about the state of Trefethen’s home and her ability to care for her children, we must seek to answer this question: How did Maine’s child protective services allow Maddox to be placed back in this home? I and many others will be seeking an answer to that question. Understanding the answer is critical to ensuring that Maine children are safe. That’s what we all want.”