Sen. Vitelli welcomes Mt. Ararat Middle School student to the Maine Senate

Posted: February 21, 2024 | Uncategorized

AUGUSTA ­­— On Tuesday, Feb. 20, Sen. Eloise Vitelli, D-Arrowsic, welcomed Mt. Ararat Middle School student, Judah Leeman of Bowdoin to the Senate Chamber. Judah served as an Honorary Page.

“Today, I really enjoyed meeting Judah, as well as his mom and sister,” said Sen. Vitelli. “I am grateful that they all made the trip from Bowdoin to the State House. During my last session as a State Senator, I have been honored to welcome such a wide variety of constituents from across the district.”

On session days, the Senate Secretary’s Office manages the Honorary Page Program in the Maine State Senate. Open to students in third through twelfth grade, Honorary Pages perform various duties such as delivering messages; distributing documents within the Senate Chamber; interacting with State Senators; and – most importantly – taking part in a real world, legislative learning experience.

To sign up to serve as an Honorary Page, contact Alex Ferguson at (207) 287-1540 or

Sen. Eloise Vitelli and Judah Leeman of Bowdoin in the Senate Chamber
