Senator Chipman earns perfect score from Democracy Maine for 2021 legislative record

Posted: September 20, 2021 | Senator Chipman, Senator Curry

AUGUSTA — Senator Ben Chipman, D-Portland, received a perfect score from Democracy Maine’s 2021 Legislative Scorecard for his voting record to clean up state government, get money out of politics and safeguard democracy. Senator Chipman was one of 15 members of the Maine Senate to earn a perfect score. 

“Voting should be easy and efficient,” said Senator Chipman. “Maine people deserve a system that gives us all a voice. I will always fight to ensure that Maine people have access to the ballot.”

This session, Senator Chipman supported legislation to open up Maine’s primary system to unenrolled voters, to create a campaign finance accountability system for municipal elections, to lower the voting age to 16 to include more Mainers, and to allow for online voter registration, along with other measures protecting the voting rights of Maine people.

Democracy Maine is a collaboration between three nonpartisan organizations — the League of Women Voters of MaineMaine Citizens for Clean Elections and Maine Students Vote — that work together to lead Maine in advocating for voter rights, campaign finance reform, modern and secure elections, government ethics and voter education and engagement.

The coalition scored nine initiatives considered by the 130th Maine Legislature. Democracy Maine’s 2021 Legislative Scorecard can be viewed at
