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Senate District 12
Pinny Beebe-Center

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Sen. Beebe-Center testifies in support of Reproductive Rights Amendment

AUGUSTA — On Monday, Sen. Pinny Beebe-Center, D-Rockland, submitted testimony in favor of LD 780, “RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Protect Personal Reproductive Autonomy.” The bill was the subject of a public hearing in the Judiciary Committee....

Senate gives initial approval to Sen. Beebe-Center bill to make local election information more available online

AUGUSTA — On Monday, June 12, the Senate gave initial approval to a bill sponsored by Sen. Pinny Beebe-Center, D-Rockland. LD 577, “An Act to Increase Availability and Security of Election Information on Government Websites,” would direct the Secretary of State to make local election...

Sen. Pinny Beebe-Center first moved to Knox County as a young adult. Her father’s first posting in the U.S. Coast Guard was in Rockland, right before she was born. Her father’s career in the military inspired Pinny to serve her own community, first in her employment for the State of Maine, and later as a public servant as Knox County Commissioner and as a state Representative.

Sen. Beebe-Center’s career is driven by her desire to help others and to improve government programs and systems. Public service is a hard-wired value for Sen. Beebe-Center and one she experienced first-hand from caring teachers and adults in the formative years of her life.

As a Representative, she served on the Committees on Criminal Justice and Public Safety, State and Local Government, and Marine Resources. In these roles, she worked with members of law enforcement, people who experienced substance use disorders, and those who were leaving incarceration. This deepened her understanding that in Maine, we help those in our community who are struggling and know that all Americans can earn the opportunity for a second chance.

Sen. Beebe-Center has dedicated her life to serving her community and has worked as a teacher, for the State of Maine in Education and Transportation, and as the Regional Manager for Penquis Community Action Program.

While working at Penquis in the height of the Great Recession, Sen. Beebe-Center saw firsthand how many hardworking Mainers lost their jobs and that homelessness could happen to anyone. In response, she founded the Knox County Homeless Coalition and led the effort to rehabilitate a former shelter to serve families. She was heartened by the growing level of support across many sectors in the community, including schools, employers, churches, civic organizations, hotel owners, campground owners, and retail stores, among others.

Sen. Beebe-Center represents Maine Senate District 12, which includes Appleton, Camden, Cushing, Friendship, Hope, Matinicus, North Haven, Owl’s Head, Rockland, Rockport, South Thomaston, St. George, Thomaston, Union, Vinalhaven, and Warren. She is serving her first term in the Maine Senate.

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