Sen. Hickman celebrates $50 million investment in affordable housing

Posted: January 26, 2022 | Senator Hickman

AUGUSTA — On Tuesday, the Mills Administration announced a $50 million investment to help affordable housing initiatives in Maine. This investment is thanks to a new law passed by Sen. Craig Hickman, D-Winthrop, and the Maine Legislature in a party-line vote last year. The bill – LD 1733, “An Act To Provide Allocations for the Distribution of State Fiscal Recovery Funds” – used federal funds to make a historic investment in Maine children, families, small businesses and communities.

Sen. Craig Hickman

Sen. Hickman, who serves as Senate Chair of the Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Labor and Housing, lauded the announced investment:

“I truly believe that safe housing is a human right. With the spiking cost of housing, for houses and rental units alike, we’re seeing an increase of Mainers struggling to put a roof over their heads. How many news stories have we all seen about families living out of motel rooms or their vehicles because they simply can’t find an affordable place to live, or could no longer afford their rent? This major investment is sorely needed. Getting people into stable, safe housing is the foundation that helps them create a stable life. If we want to ensure people can stay to work, raise a family and eventually retire in Maine, we must also ensure they can afford to live here.”

Of the $50 million, an initial $10 million is now available through MaineHousing, which is estimated to support at least 150 new affordable single-family homes. The additional $40 million for housing will become available later this year, when the second part of federal ARPA funds become available.

Additionally, Mainers who are struggling to afford their rent or utilities may qualify for help through Maine’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program. More information can be found at or through a local Community Action Program.