Alfond recognized in fight to end hunger in Maine

Posted: March 24, 2016 | Senator Alfond

AUGUSTA — The Maine Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics on Thursday honored Senate Democratic Leader Justin Alfond of Portland for his contributions in the fight to end childhood hunger in Maine.

Alfond received the organization’s inaugural Legislative and Public Policy Award for his advocacy for hungry and ill-nourished Mainers during his time in the Maine Senate. Alfond has led the fight against hunger, particularly child and student hunger, during his four terms in the Maine Legislature, including two years as Senate President.

Alfond accepted his award during MAND’s Legislative Breakfast, held Thursday at The Senator Inn.

“Nutritionists and dieticians, especially those who work to feed healthy food to hungry Mainers, are heroes in the fight against hunger,” said Sen. Alfond. “I’m honored to be recognized by MAND, and will continue to fight at their side even after my time in the Legislature ends. By working together, we can ensure that an empty stomach never holds back Mainers from meeting their full potential.”

Legislation sponsored by Alfond in the 126th Legislature resulted in the publication of a landmark report on student hunger in Maine, published in January 2015. The report lays a blueprint for ensuring every Maine student has access to nutritious food.

Alfond is currently co-chairman of the Commission to End Student Hunger, a bipartisan legislative panel created as a result of that report. He is also a leader in Full Plates, Full Potential, a collection of nonprofits, businesses and public officials committed to reducing hunger in Maine’s schools.

Alfond is currently advocating for a bill that would reduce barriers to anti-hunger funding available at the federal government for home daycares, adult day cares, child care centers, emergency shelters and at-risk afterschool programs. The bill, LD 1472, is currently before the Maine Senate.
