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Category: Senator Jackson

Jackson, Maine Senate Democrats roll out ambitious prescription drug reform proposal

Posted: March 14, 2019

Legislation would make prescription drugs more affordable, more accessible and hold both drugmakers and middlemen accountable “Our...

Work plan for state bridge and road projects unveiled

Posted: March 06, 2019

AUGUSTA – Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, is pleased to announce the details of Maine’s three-year transportation infrastructure work...

$249 million in unclaimed property needs to be claimed by owners

Posted: February 27, 2019

AUGUSTA — The Office of the State Treasurer is currently holding more than $249 million in unclaimed property. Senate President Troy Jackson,...

President Jackson releases statement on making Election Day a state holiday

Posted: February 20, 2019

AUGUSTA— On Wednesday, the Legislature’s Committee on State and Local Government held a public hearing on legislation to make Election Day a...

Committee overwhelmingly endorses Jackson federal workers bill

Posted: February 12, 2019

AUGUSTA—On Tuesday, the Legislature’s Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services Committee overwhelmingly endorsed a bill from Senate...

Senate President Jackson invites local students to Augusta for Honorary Page program

Posted: February 11, 2019

AUGUSTA —With the new Legislature underway, Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, is reminding local schools and students about the Senate...

Patient protection bill receives bipartisan support in Committee

Posted: February 08, 2019

AUGUSTA—The Legislature’s Committee Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services overwhelmingly endorsed a patient protection bill sponsored...

Democratic Leaders Release Statement on Governor Mills Biennial Budget Proposal

Posted: February 08, 2019

AUGUSTA - Governor Janet Mills submitted her first biennial budget to the State Legislature. An overview of the budget can be found here. She is...

Jackson “Hire American/Hire Maine” bill gets public hearing

Posted: February 07, 2019

AUGUSTA — A bill sponsored by Senate President Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, to create a “Hire American” tax credit for companies that prioritize...

Sen. Chenette presents campaign ethics bills

Posted: January 31, 2019

AUGUSTA — Sen. Justin Chenette, D-Saco, has introduced two bills to reform campaign finance laws and limit lobbyists’ influence on state...