Bipartisan legislators, towns, community partners rally for Knight’s Pond
CUMBERLAND – A group of concerned citizens, local officials, and a bipartisan group of lawmakers will be holding a press conference at Knight’s Pond and Blueberry Hill in Cumberland–one of the dozens of conservative initiatives in jeopardy due to the uncertainty with the Land for Maine’s Future (LMF) program.
Last month, Gov. LePage announced he would withhold funding for voter-approved LMF projects as a bargaining chip in exchange for his plan to increase timber harvesting on state-owned lands to pay for residential energy-efficiency programs.
“The Knight Family spent decades working to preserve this site for our community and for future generations. Local taxpayers have put $300,000 into preserving this precious site,” said Democratic State Senator Cathy Breen of Falmouth. “Now it’s time for Governor LePage to follow through on Maine voters’ commitment to conservation and issue the Land for Maine’s Future bonds, securing the state’s commitment to preserving this site.”
There are 30 projects in 15 of Maine’s 16 counties that are in jeopardy without Gov. LePage’s release of $11.5 million voter-approved bonds.
WHEN: Monday, April 27th @ 10:15a.m.
WHO: State Senator Cathy Breen of Falmouth
State Representative Michael Timmons of Cumberland
Steve Palmer, Chairman, North Yarmouth Board of Selectman
Thomas Gruber, Chairman, Cumberland Town Council
Penny Asherman, Cumberland Land Trust
WHERE: Knight’s Pond and Blueberry Hill | Greely Extension Road (off of Route 9)
Cumberland (Parking area available)
The Land for Maine’s Future program guarantees the preservation of land for public use such as hunting, fishing, and other recreational purposes.