Maine Senate unanimously enacts Sen. Brenner bill to expand health care coverage for donor breast milk

Posted: June 13, 2023 | Senator Brenner

AUGUSTA — On Tuesday, the Maine Senate unanimously enacted a bill from Sen. Stacy Brenner, D-Scarborough. LD 267, “An Act to Require Private Insurance Coverage for Donor Breast Milk,” would expand health care coverage of donor breast milk to all Mainers.

Senator Stacy Brenner

“I’m grateful for the strong bipartisan support of my Senate colleagues,” said Sen. Brenner. “This issue was brought to me by my nurse-manager at the Birthplace at Northern Lights Mercy Hospital. Thanks to their advocacy, I saw the importance of completing the circle on who is eligible for coverage of donor breast milk. This legislation would ensure that all families have this access.”

As amended by committee, this bill would help to make donor breast milk affordable and accessible for all Mainers. Currently, MaineCare covers the cost of donor breast milk. LD 267 would ensure that those covered by private insurance also have access to this coverage.

Since Jan. 1, 2023, infants who are unable to receive breast milk or mothers who cannot produce enough breast milk are covered by public insurance to receive donor breast milk. MaineCare coverage also includes premature babies and babies who are chronically ill and need donor breast milk in order to survive infancy. Public insurance also covers the cost of donor breast milk for infants who are born underweight or have a formula intolerance. This legislation would require private carriers to match the current stipulations of MaineCare, allowing families covered by private insurance to also have access to affordable donor breast milk.

LD 267 now goes to the Governor’s desk, where she has 10 days to either sign it, veto it or allow it to become law without her signature.
