Portland Legislative Delegation Hosts Forum to Discuss Proposed Budget With Local Residents
Senator Justin Alfond of Portland announced today that he, along with his legislative colleagues, will be hosting a public “Question and Answer” session to discuss Governor LePage’s two-year proposed budget at King Middle School on Sunday, March 27.
“The budget, as proposed, will critically effect many in Portland,” said Alfond. “Not everyone is able to get up to the State House—and it is important that everybody who wants to has a chance for their questions and concerns to be heard.”
Also facilitating the discussion will be Senator Joseph Brannigan and Representatives Mark Dion, Denise Harlow, Anne Haskell, Jon Hinck, Steve Lovejoy, Diane Russell, and Peter Stuckey. The forum is open to all members of the public starting at 4:00p.m. and ending at 6:00p.m.
“A lot of information has been put out there about Maine’s fiscal status,” said Representative Anne Haskell. “ It is just as important that people know the facts and understand what’s next and what they can do to weigh in.”
According to the Appropriations Committee schedule, public hearings on the biennial budget will continue until March 29.