Sen. Brenner bill to promote healthy soil management passes Senate with unanimous support

Posted: May 19, 2021 | Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, Senator Brenner

AUGUSTA — On Wednesday, a bill from Sen. Stacy Brenner, D-Scarborough, was passed by the Maine Senate with a unanimous, bipartisan vote. The bill, LD 437, “An Act To Establish The Maine Healthy Soils Program,” would help support healthy soil management practices across the state.

“The land I am lucky enough to grow crops on is a prime agricultural soil of statewide importance. It’s the basis for all of the success of my business. This bill is a statement of value, a call to action, a solidification of the importance of healthy soils going forward, so that we can protect our most valuable agricultural resource,” said Sen. Brenner, who is the co-owner of Broadturn Farm in Scarborough. “I thank my colleagues in the Senate for helping ensure that generations of Mainers to come will have healthy soil to continue our great farming tradition.”

LD 437 would establish the Maine Healthy Soils Program. Administered by the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, in consultation with the University of Maine and University of Maine Cooperative Extension, the program would provide resources, offer education and connect farmers with information on best practices to maintain healthy soil.

“healthy soil” can be measured in different ways, but in general healthy soils hold high amounts of water and nutrients, support productive crops, have a strong structure and even sequester carbon from the atmosphere.

Sen. Brenner is a first-generation farmer and has been farming in Maine for 20 years. She owns Broadturn Farm in Scarborough with her husband John, and at peak season, their staff grows to 10 full and part-time employees. In addition to farming, Sen. Brenner is also a certified nurse-midwife.

LD 437 faces further votes in the Legislature.
