Sen. Brenner introduces bill to help coastal homeowners afford flood insurance

Posted: January 11, 2022 | Environment and Natural Resources, Senator Brenner

AUGUSTA – On Monday, Sen. Stacy Brenner, D-Scarborough, introduced a bill that will help owners of property near a body of water afford flood insurance. The bill, LD 1809, “An Act To Allow Exceptions to the Height Limitations under the Shoreland Zoning Laws,” was the subject of a public hearing before the Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.

“When Scarborough town staff came to me over the summer looking for a solution to the conflict between federal flood insurance requirements and state shoreland zoning laws, we immediately got to work,” said Sen. Brenner. “The result is a bill that will allow property owners to access affordable flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program while also satisfying state guidelines. This change will be a win for municipalities and property owners across the state.”

Currently, height limitations in the state Shoreland Zoning Act can pose a conflict with standards set forth in the National Flood Insurance Program, which require a property’s lowest floor to be a minimum of 1 foot above the base flood elevation. As flood water levels continue to rise, the need for homeowners to raise their properties off the ground to protect their investment will continue. However, state law currently limits the maximum height of a structure, while at the same time federal standards require properties be a certain height above base flood elevation. By changing state law to allow properties to be modified for compliance with federal guidelines, property owners will be able to raise their homes to protect them from flooding, while also maintaining the ability to hold reasonably priced flood insurance.

LD 1809 faces further action in committee.
