Sen. Johnson earns perfect attendance record in 2016 legislative session

Posted: May 17, 2016 | Senator Johnson

Sen. Chris Johnson, D-Somerville, had a perfect attendance and voting record during the recently concluded legislative session.

Sen. Johnson cast 271 votes during the 2nd Regular Session of the 127th Maine Legislature — 100 percent of the votes recorded. He has maintained a perfect voting record since first being elected to the Senate on February 14th, 2012.

“When I am at the State House doing the people’s work, it is important that I am there to represent our district on every vote,” said Sen. Johnson. “It is an honor to serve as senator, and I am proud of my voting record.”

During the 2nd Regular Session, lawmakers cast votes to step up the fight against drug addiction, increase investments in local schools, cut taxes for Maine homeowners and businesses and boost integrity in Maine’s welfare system.