Sen. Sanborn Bill to Clarify Local Referendum Ballots Receives Committee Approval

Posted: February 12, 2019 | Senator Heather Sanborn, State and Local Government

AUGUSTA — A bill introduced by Sen. Heather Sanborn, D-Portland, to reduce the confusion between state and local referendum questions on election ballots was unanimously supported in a bipartisan vote of the Legislature’s State and Local Government Committee on Monday.

The bill, LD 53 “An Act To Clarify Local Referendum Ballots,” requires that municipal initiative and referendum questions be designated on election ballots using sequential capital letters rather than sequential numbers. This will correct the confusion that is inherent in the current system.

“State law requires both local and state ballot questions to be listed on the respective local and state ballots with sequential numbers drawn at random. This frequently leads to voter confusion as they are subjected to messaging telling them to ‘Vote No on Local 2’ while urging them to ‘Vote Yes on State 2’,” said Sen. Sanborn. “Indeed, in 2017 this very issue arose in Portland when the same coalition of affordable housing advocates urged defeat of a local zoning question while also strongly advocating for the state’s expansion of Medicaid. Both questions were listed on the ballot as Question 2.”

The Vice President of the League of Women Voters of Maine, Polly Ward, spoke in support of LD 53 in last week’s public hearing. “The League wholeheartedly supports LD 53,” said Ward. “To put it simply, LD 53 is good for voters. It is a common-sense solution to a demonstrated problem.”

LD 53 will face further votes before the Maine House and Senate.