Posted: June 06, 2013 | Front Page, Senator Johnson, Senator Millett

Bipartisan Support for Measure requiring all charter schools to be nonprofits

AUGUSTA—Today, in a bipartisan vote of 23-12, the Senate enacted a measure requiring all Maine charter schools to operate as non-profits, essentially banning for-profit schools.

“Profit-margins should not play a role in educating our students,” said Senator Rebecca Millett (D-Cape Elizabeth), the Senate Chair of the Committee. “Education isn’t about making money—it’s about preparing the next generation to lead.”

Charter schools were approved by the Republican-led 125th Legislature and have already siphoned taxpayer money away public school funding. In this year alone, Skowhegan is losing $400,000 and is expected to lose another $650,000 next year to both Cornville and the Maine Academy of Natural Sciences. The communities of Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Topsham and Harpswell (MSAD 75) are expected to lose $300,000 next year to Harpswell Coastal Academy School. The public schools in MSAD 75 serve nearly 2600 children, while the Harpswell charter school will serve 60 students at most.

“Public dollars spent on education should benefit our children, not a CEO’s salary or a company’s bottom line,” said Senator Chris Johnson (D-Somerville). “Every dollar spent on education should be working for our children’s education.”

The bill, LD 671, “An Act To Protect Charter Schools by Requiring Them To Be Operated as Nonprofit Organizations,” will now be sent to the Governor for his signature to become law.
