Weekly Radio Address – Sen. Alfond – April 2nd, 2011 Good morning. And, thank you for tuning in to the Democratic Weekly Radio Address. I'm...
Senator Justin Alfond of Portland announced today that he, along with his legislative colleagues, will be hosting a public “Question and Answer”...
Senator Justin Alfond is convening a meeting with legislators, Department of Health and Human Services Commissioner and state-wide health officials...
Senate and House Democratic leaders today urged an end to “crisis” rhetoric on state pensions and called for the governor to clarify how cuts to...
Ten Maine Democratic Senators voted against Steve Bowen’s nomination to lead Maine’s Department of Education citing concerns about Bowen’s lack...
Weekly Radio Address - Sen. Alfond - February 19th, 2011 Good morning. And, thank you for tuning in to the Democratic Weekly Radio Address. I'm...
... Philip Congdon, 69, a retired engineer who worked in the LePage campaign, is the new Economic and Community Development Commissioner. Testifying...