AUGUSTA — On Wednesday, a Joint Order that would extend the Legislative session failed to receive the necessary two-thirds vote in the House of...
AUGUSTA — The Maine Senate voted to override Gov. LePage’s veto of legislation from Senate Democratic Leader Troy Jackson, of Allagash, to...
A bill sponsored by Senate Democratic Leader Troy Jackson, D-Allagash, mandating stiffer penalties for murder involving domestic violence, was signed...
AUGUSTA—The Legislature approved a bill from Senate Democratic Leader Troy Jackson, of Allagash, which seeks to incentivize the hiring of...
AUGUSTA — On Wednesday, the Senate Democrats filed a Joint Order directing the Legislature’s Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs to report...
AUGUSTA — On Monday, the Maine Senate passed an unprecedented Senate Order which permits the Senate President to pursue broad legal action...
AUGUSTA — The Maine Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill by Senate Democratic Leader Troy Jackson, of Allagash, to establish a rural economic task...
AUGUSTA--The Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Taxation held a public hearing the LD 1655, the LePage Administration tax ‘conformity’...
AUGUSTA - In a joint hearing of the Taxation and Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee, the LePage Administration presented their...
AUGUSTA — The Maine Senate voted 31-3 to pass a bill the amended LD 1704, “An Act To Fund the Downeast Correctional Facility” on Thursday. The...