Posted: August 01, 2014 | Front Page, Senator Lachowicz

Senator Lachowicz-sponsored bill requires autism coverage through age 10


AUGUSTA—A new law ensuring children with autism spectrum disorder have access to treatment takes effect today, Friday, August 1.


“This new law marks an important step forward for coverage for autism treatment and will certainly bring much needed relief to the many Maine families struggling to get the care and treatment their children need,” said Democratic Senator Colleen Lachowicz of Waterville, who sponsored the bill. “With effective, proven treatment out there, we should be doing everything in our power to get families access to this care.”


Prior to the new law, health insurance policies covered autism treatment for children only up until age 5. Senator Lachowicz advocated to expand coverage for children up to age 10.


“No parent should have to choose between getting treatment for their children and bankrupting their family,” added Senator Lachowicz, a social worker. “If you are a working parent, you should be able to expect that your insurance will cover behavioral health services for your child, that this need should be treated no differently than any other.”


There is no medication to treat autism. Treatment options include working with someone specially trained in how to provide a consistent structure and review the connection between the child’s behavior and their environment.


The text of the new law is available here.
