Sen. Maxmin shares MDOT work plan for state bridge and road projects
AUGUSTA – Sen. Chloe Maxmin, D-Nobleboro, is pleased to announce the details of Maine’s three-year transportation infrastructure work plan, and what it means for Senate District 13, which includes most of Lincoln County and the towns of Washington and Windsor. The plan is released annually with an outline of the Maine Department of Transportation’s strategy for road, bridge and other transportation upgrades and maintenance projects.
“Living in a rural area, it’s so critical that our roads and bridges are safe and reliable,” said Sen. Maxmin. “The improvements planned for the coming year will make a big difference in the everyday lives of folks in our community as they go to work, visit with friends, frequent local businesses and get themselves to the doctor. I’m grateful to everyone at MDOT for their hard work in getting this done.”
According to the MDOT, the work plan covers approximately $3.17 billion worth of construction and maintenance, which includes 2,316 work items. The three-year plan estimates MDOT will invest in 115 miles of highway construction and rehabilitation; 1,057 miles of pavement preservation; 2,162 miles of light capital paving for roads and highways; 353 safety and spot improvements; and 235 bridge projects.
The following breakdown is the planned capital and maintenance work for some communities in Senate District 13 in 2022:
- In Damariscotta, construction of a sidewalk on Main Street beginning 0.01 of a mile south of Church Street and extending north 0.36 of a mile.
Bridge Rehabilitation
- On the Boothbay Harbor-Southport town line, rehabilitation of the Southport Bridge over Townsend Gut. Federal Highway Administration BUILD Grant recipient.
Bridge and Structural Maintenance
- In Damariscotta and Newcastle, bridge joint improvements on various bridges along Route 1.
- In Edgecomb, replacement of a wearing surface on West Cove Bridge, which carries Mill Road over Back River, located 0.47 of a mile southwest of Nichols Road.
- In Jefferson, replacement of the Davis No. 1 Bridge on Route 17 over Brann Brook, located 0.51 of a mile east of Route 32.
Drainage Maintenance
- In Boothbay, replacement of two culverts on River Road.
- In Edgecomb, replacement of a culvert on River Road located 220 feet south of the Khole Road.
- In Newcastle and Nobleboro, replacement of various culverts on Route 215 beginning with the intersection of Route 215 and Route 1 and extending north 3.79 miles to the Bunker Hill Road.
- In Somerville and Washington, ditching and replacing of culverts in various places on Route 105 beginning at the Windsor-Somerville town line and extending east 9.1 miles to the intersection of Route 105 and Route 220.
- In Waldoboro, replacement of a culvert on Route 32, located 370 feet southwest of Noahs Way.
- In Waldoboro and Warren, ditching and replacing of culverts in various places on Route 235 beginning at Route 1 and extending northeast 6.36 miles to the Warren-Union town line.
- In Westport Island and Wiscasset, replacing culverts in various places on Route 144 beginning with the intersection of Birch Point Road and Route 144 and extending southeast 4.1 miles to Fowles Cove Road.
- In Whitefield, ditching and replacing culverts in various places on Route 218, beginning with the intersection of Route 126 and Route 218 and extending northeast 3.1 miles to Route 17.
- In Alna and Wiscasset, ditching on Route 218 beginning at the Wiscasset-Alna town line and extending north 6.52 miles to the Alna-Whitefield town line.
Highway Paving/Rehabilitation
- In Jefferson, Whitefield, Windsor, Chelsea and Augusta, paving on Route 17 beginning at Route 32 and extending west 12.75 miles to Route 9.
- In Boothbay, paving on Barters Island Road/Corey Lane beginning at Kimbleton Town Road and extending east 2.61 miles to Route 27.
- In Boothbay, paving on Route 96 beginning at the Boothbay Harbor town line and extending south 4.4 miles.
- In Boothbay Harbor, paving on Route 27S beginning at the north intersection of Route 27 and extending south 0.44 of a mile to the south intersection of Route 27.
- In Boothbay Harbor and Southport, paving on Route 27 beginning at Town Landing Road and extending north 7.62 miles to Route 96.
- In Boothbay and Boothbay Harbor, paving on Lake Side/McKown Point Road beginning 0.04 of a mile east of Rock Road and extending west 3.19 miles to Barters Island Road.
- In Boothbay, Edgecomb and Newcastle, paving on River Road beginning at Route 27 and extending north 9.39 miles.
- In Bremen, paving on Turner Road beginning at Biscay Road and extending east 3.03 miles to Route 32.
- In Bremen and Damariscotta, paving on Biscay Road beginning at Route 32 and extending northwest 5.1 miles to Route 1B.
- In Damariscotta, paving on School Street beginning at Route 129 and extending north 0.86 of a mile to Route 1B.
- In Damariscotta, Newcastle and Nobleboro, paving on Route 1 beginning 0.05 of a mile north of Lynch Road and extending north 9.36 miles.
- In Edgecomb, paving on McKay Road beginning at Route 27 and extending east 1.66 miles to River Road.
- In Edgecomb, paving on Eddy Road beginning at Route 27 and extending north 1.55 miles to Route 1.
- In Edgecomb and Wiscasset, paving on Route 1 beginning 0.01 of a mile southwest of Lee Street and extending northeast 0.43 of a mile, then continuing at Railroad Avenue and extending east 1.28 miles, including Donald E. Davey Bridge and Cod Cove Bridge.
- In Jefferson and Newcastle, paving of Route 213 beginning at Jones Woods Road and extending north 9.26 miles.
- In Nobleboro and Waldoboro, paving on Route 1 beginning 0.07 of a mile east of East Pond Road and extending east 3.31 miles.
- In Southport, paving on Route 238 beginning at Route 27 and extending south 3.73 miles to Town Landing Road.
Highway Safety and Spot Improvements
- In Bremen, replacement of a large culvert on Route 32 located 0.44 of a mile north of Biscay Road.
- In Windsor, improvements at the intersection of Route 17 and Route 32.
The entire MDOT three-year work plan can be viewed here.