Sen. Mike Tipping sworn into the Maine Senate

Posted: December 04, 2024 | Senator Tipping

AUGUSTA — Earlier today, Sen. Mike Tipping, D-Orono, was sworn into the Maine Senate. Sen. Tipping was elected to his second term in the Senate in November. 

Gov. Janet Mills administered the oath of office to Sen. Tipping and 34 of his Senate colleagues, all of whom have been elected to serve two-year terms. He represents the good people of Senate District 8, which includes Alton, Argyle Township, Burlington, Carroll Plantation, East Central Penobscot UT, Edinburg, Enfield, Greenbush, Howland, Lagrange, Lakeville, Lee, Lincoln, Lowell, Milford, Old Town, Orono, Passadumkeag, Penobscot Indian Island, Prentiss Township, Springfield, Twombly Ridge Tonwship, Veazie, Webster Plantation, Whitney Township, and Winn. 

“I am honored to return to Augusta and continue to serve as state senator for our communities,” said Sen. Tipping. “It’s been wonderful to connect with so many people over the last few months and to have conversations about what people need right now. I plan to continue my work to address ballooning medical debt to address rising costs for Mainers. I also intend to introduce new legislation to crack down on health insurance company claims denials and remove unnecessary tax breaks for out-of-state corporations. I am acutely aware of the responsibility that comes with the office I’m returning to and the need to continue to fight on behalf of our families and our community. I look forward to that work.” 

Sen. Tipping has served one term in the Maine Senate. He is currently the Senate Chair of the Labor and Housing Committee and a member of the Government Oversight Committee.  

Prior to serving in the Legislature, Sen. Tipping had a career in public advocacy. He was the spokesperson for the statewide referendum campaigns to expand senior care and raise the minimum wage in Maine. He also helped hold the former owners of the HoltraChem plant accountable for mercury pollution in the Penobscot River. 

The swearing-in ceremony was held in the Senate Chamber and was attended by family and friends of the Senators, as well as the general public. A livestream of the event was made available to the general public and can be viewed online at  

Of the 35 total members of the Maine Senate, there are 20 Democrats and 15 Republicans. Fifteen are women, and 20 are men. There are seven new members of the Senate, three of which most recently served in the House of Representatives. Twenty-eight members are incumbents.  

The Legislature will reconvene at the start of the New Year. Learn more about Sen. Tipping at

From left to right: Sen. Tipping’s mother, Lenore Tipping; Sen. Mike Tipping, D-Orono; and Sen. Tipping’s father, Tom Spitz in front of the rostrum, moments before Sen. Tipping was sworn in for his second term in the Maine Senate.
