Posted: October 23, 2014 | Front Page, Senator Lachowicz

KVCAP praises lawmaker for her leadership and commitment to reducing poverty

AUGUSTA – Democratic Senator Colleen Lachowicz of Waterville received this year’s Community Leader Award from Kennebec Valley Community Action Program (KVCAP) for her advocacy work and support for programs that help Mainers overcome the barriers of poverty.


“In my work as a state senator and as a social worker, I have worked hard every day to assist those in our community, who have had the deck stacked against them, to become economically and socially self-sufficient,” said Senator Lachowicz. “I am deeply honored and humbled to receive this award from KVCAP, an organization dedicated to helping people help themselves.”


KVCAP commended Senator Lachowicz for her support of legislation and programs that would help eliminate or reduce poverty in our communities, including measures to improve the MaineCare Transportation system, to expand health care, and fund Head Start.


During the 2014 legislative session, Senator Lachowicz also sponsored a bill to expand health insurance coverage for children with autism. She supported bills to increase safety for victims of domestic violence, prevent child abuse and neglect, and create a task force to end student hunger in Maine. In addition, she supported a supplemental state budget that restores proposed cuts by Governor LePage to critical education funding, eliminates and reduces waitlists for people with disabilities to get critical homecare services, and increases funding to Maine nursing homes.


KVCAP is a non-profit community action program which provides a wide range of services to men, women, and children in Kennebec and Somerset counties. These include home ownership, repair and weatherization services, heating assistance, transportation, and a teen center. KVCAP also supports families through home visitation programs for parents, parenting classes, childcare and Head Start.

The Community Leader Award will be presented to Senator Lachowicz at KVCAP’s annual Board of Director’s meeting on Wednesday, November 19 at 8:30 a.m. at Educare Central Maine, 56 Drummond Ave, Waterville.


Senator Colleen Lachowicz is serving her first term in the Senate representing the people of Waterville, Winslow, Albion, Benton, Clinton, Detroit, and Pittsfield.
