Posted: June 23, 2014 | Senator Lachowicz

State employees’ union praises lawmaker for commitment to working families


AUGUSTA – Democratic Senator Colleen Lachowicz of Waterville has received a 100% rating from the Maine State Employees Union for her support of working families during the second session of the 126th Legislature.


“I am proud to advocate on behalf of all the hardworking people of Maine,” said Senator Lachowicz. “They are dedicated to making our state a better place to live and work and deserve our support.”


MSEA represents more than 15,000 public and private sector workers throughout Maine. Of the 23 legislators representing Kennebec County, Lachowicz was joined by 10 other Democrats on the MSEA honor roll. Not a single Republican legislator in Kennebec County voted to support Maine workers consistently enough to make the honor roll


During the 2014 legislative session, Senator Lachowicz supported a one-time increase in the cost of living adjustment for state retirees and funding for merit and longevity pay for state workers. Senator Lachowicz also supported the bipartisan, responsible budget crafted by the legislature, and bills to increase access to affordable health care and support laid-off workers at the Maine Military Authority.

