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Denise Tepler

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Sen. Denise Tepler, Rep. Allison Hepler announce January constituent office hours

AUGUSTA – Sen. Denise Tepler, D-Topsham, and Rep. Allison Hepler, D-Woolwich, will be holding constituent office hours at the Woolwich Municipal Building on Saturday, Jan. 25 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Public office hours provide residents a chance to meet with their representatives, share...

Sen. Tepler to chair Environment and Natural Resources, Marine Resources Committees for the 132nd Maine State Legislature  

AUGUSTA — Sen. Denise Tepler, D-Topsham, has been appointed by Senate President Mattie Daughtry, D-Brunswick, to serve as Senate chair of the Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources as well as the Senate chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Marine...

Senator Denise Tepler is a dedicated public servant with over two decades of experience in local office. First elected to the M.S.A.D #75 School Board in 1996, Tepler served the towns of Bowdoin, Bowdoinham, Harpswell, and Topsham for six years. From 2014 to 2022, Denise served her hometown of Topsham as a State Representative. While in Augusta, Sen. Tepler served as House Chair of the Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services Committee for four years. She championed bills to take on Big Pharma and rein in drug prices. She also fought to increase access to affordable health care. Sen. Tepler is also a strong defender of women’s reproductive rights and Veteran’s needs. In 2015 and 2016 she was named a Legislator of the Year by the American Legion, Department of Maine and in 2019, she was designated a Legislative Champion by Planned Parenthood for her work on LD 1261, which increased access to abortion care. While in the Maine House, Representative Tepler was selected as a CSG Toll Fellow and also as an NCSL Maternal and Child Health Fellow.

Sen. Tepler and her husband Sheldon, raised their three daughters and two sons in Topsham, where all five attended Topsham Public Schools. Tepler currently serves on the Boards of Maine Public Health Association as well as the MidCoast Hunger Prevention Program where she is also a volunteer.

Sen. Tepler is serving her first term in the Maine Senate, representing Sagadahoc County and Dresden.

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