Sen. Chris Johnson of Somerville welcomed four Lincoln County residents on their visit to the State House in Augusta. Becky Recor, Mary Sheldon,...
Pastor Wally Staples of the Wiscasset Church of the Nazarene recently delivered the Morning Prayer to members of the Maine Senate during...
Sen. Chris Johnsons, D-Somerville, is inviting interested members of the public to join an effort by local officials, law enforcement and health care...
AUGUSTA — The Legislature’s Government Oversight Committee voted unanimously Friday to launch an investigation into the Maine State Lottery to...
With the Legislature set to reconvene in January, Democratic Sen. Chris Johnson of Somerville would like to remind local schools and students about...
Last year, Maine became the first state on the East Coast to tackle the growing threat to our way of life posed by an increasingly acidic ocean....
GOP sponsored measure attempted to restrict safe, legal abortions AUGUSTA - A measure that attempts to restrict access to safe, legal abortion...
Perkins: FDR advisor, New Deal architect, and first woman U.S. Secretary of Labor AUGUSTA - A $2 million bond to acquire the Frances Perkins...
Program would invest in farm infrastructure and encourage local foods in schools AUGUSTA - A $6 million bond to invest in the local foods...
AUGUSTA –A measure to expand the use of fresh Maine foods into new markets like school food service programs moves out of committee with a divided...